Web page for early development studio for children

Idea was to create simple, informative yet colorful web page for parents of students. And give information for future clients and help them to choose courses that best fits for their children. All of us were kid. And we all remember this time with special tenderness. So I wrapped serious content into the playful shape with colorful illustrations.
As a CMS was used Wordpress. I made custom theme for web page.

Main page

You can access to any page of the site from the main. Site has two types of visitors: new and regular visitors. The first ones like to know about courses, prices and testimonials. The second prefer to know useful information, new courses, and further development of their children. Navigation panel in addition comprises information line with actual news.

Slider with services

The key element of main page is slider with services. Services are grouped according to ages. Parents can choose age and find out about services for their child.
Also visitor can pass the test which shows abilities of his child.